With the continued and expeditious growth of both Martin and St. Lucie Counties, several members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated believed that there was a need for a chapter in the Southern Treasure Coast area. In September 2009, these women met at the home of Yatcha’ Barnes to discuss forming an interest group in January of 2010. Present at the meeting were Alpha Kappa Alpha members: Jessica Anderson, Yatcha’ Barnes, Marian Carpenter, Sonya’ Finney, Elmira Gainey, Carol Gipson, Elizabeth Gordon, Constance Gore, Barbara Harris, Nadine Jackson, Pamela Joseph, Xenobia Poitier-Anderson, Gwendolyn Thompson, and Dorothy Walker.
During the initial meeting, the women discussed the tremendous growth of their local communities (mainly Port Saint Lucie and Stuart) and the number of inactive Alpha Kappa Alpha women who reside in these areas. The need to “service all mankind”and fully extend into the Southern Treasure Coast was the resounding theme and the willingness to provide this service was a priority to all women present. Another unified goal of the women was to reclaim the numerous inactive Sorors residing on the Southern Treasure Coast. At the end of the meeting there was a unanimous decision to form an interest group in the Southern Treasure Coast area of Florida. The name “Project Pink and Green” was proposed and all in attendance enthusiastically agreed that this was the perfect name for the interest group.
Shortly after the group was formed, additional Alpha Kappa Alpha women Myrna Bridges, Tonya Hodge-Hargrove, Sharon Walker and Miretha Wiley joined the group. True to the call of service to all mankind, Project Pink and Green began immediately partnering with local St. Lucie and Martin County organizations to make a positive impact on the Southern Treasure Coast. The group worked diligently to develop creative and “out of the box” projects that served the community and built relationships with local corporations and businesses. Specifically, Project Pink and Green partnered with:
U.S. Government in support of the 2010 Census- assisting with the completion of hundreds of census forms in Martin and St. Lucie Counties
Wal-Mart and Curves in support of Haiti relief efforts-collecting more than 500 pairs of shoes, toiletries, eyeglasses, and first aid kits
The Boys and Girls Clubs of America- creating the first signature program of Project Pink and Green, “Operation Back to School,”providing school supplies, gently used school uniforms and shoes, and raffles items for children
Dillards and Susan G. Komen for the Cure- creating the second signature program of Project Pink and Green, “Passion for Pink,” a breast health, cancer awareness and bra fitting event.
South Atlantic Regional Director Marsha Lewis Brown paid a visit to the ladies of Project Pink and Green on November 20, 2010. Over a sisterly luncheon she was presented with an overview of the programming initiatives created by the women. Mrs. Lewis Brown was also provided with extensive information relative to the growth of St. Lucie and Martin Counties and the reclamation efforts taken by Project Pink and Green. Mrs. Lewis Brown was impressed by what was presented and provided encouragement for the continued efforts of Project Pink and Green.
Members of Project Pink and Green worked vigorously and tirelessly to reclaim inactive members. The result of their efforts has led to reclaiming the following members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated: Jaconica Gay Barnes, Carol Gipson, Christie Goldson, Melanie Grant, Larthenia Howard, Wendy Jackson, Elaine Raab, La’Shanda Rawls, and Amy Vander Breggen, bringing the Project Pink and Green membership to twenty six.
On April 22, 2011, during the 58th South Atlantic Regional Conference, Mrs. Lewis Brown recognized Project Pink and Green as an official Interest Group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. In the second year of its existence Project Pink and Green added additional programming to its calendar, implementing the “Global Leadership Through Timeless Service” program initiatives under the leadership of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated International President, Carolyn House Stewart, Esq.
Through its diligence, Project Pink and Green established the following:
1. Emerging Young Leaders program: teaching leadership and self-esteem building to middle school girls on the Southern Treasure Coast;
2. Asthma Awareness Moving Exhibit: raising awareness regarding asthma health;
3. Soles for Souls: the signature program of the 58th Annual Regional Conference providing shoes to families throughout South Florida;
4. Eat to Feed: a partnership with Heifer International, Project Pink and Green, and The Chef’s Table (local restaurant) bringing attention to world hunger;
5. Ongoing partnership with The Pace Center for Girls: reaching out to at risk girls; and
6. Project Pink and Green’s signature programs: Operation Back to School and Passion for Pink.
The above programming was not only hugely successful, but provided community recognition of the presence of Project Pink and Green and the timeless service this Interest Group provides to the Southern Treasure Coast.
On December 10, 2011, Psi Pi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was chartered. The creation of this chapter on the Southern Treasure Coast was the vision of Alpha Kappa Alpha women filled with a passion to improve their communities and the desire to make a difference.
Since it's founding over a century ago, Alpha Kappa Alpha’s mission has been to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of “Service to All Mankind".
The Project Pink and Green Foundation is the charitable arm of Psi Pi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. The foundation endeavors to grant scholarships to students and funding to organizations for charitable, educational and scientific purposes.
Psi Pi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
P.O. Box 802, Stuart, FL 34997, US